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The holiday season is a fun and joyous time to reconnect with family and friends, but the demand to plan and prepare can be overwhelming. Gift shopping and wrapping, decorating, preparing meals, hosting dinners and other social gatherings, as well as attending office parties, can all take an emotional toll on our happiness and health if we do not implement coping mechanisms for reducing holiday stress.
Read on for 5 tips for reducing holiday stress and coping well as you tackle your various undertakings.
Plan Ahead
It is effective to plan. Make a list of the things you need to get done and set certain days and times when you will execute them. Also, add events to be attended to your calendar and set alert reminder. Being organized and strategic can keep you on pace and make you feel less stressed. You will also feel a sense of productivity as you complete each task.
Take Care of Yourself
As you plan, prepare, and look out for others, make sure you are taking time to care yourself. A 15 minute alone time can help refresh your mind and give you a boost of energy to cope easier. Taking a break to engage in an activity you enjoy, can also be refreshing and mood elevating. Furthermore, slow deep breaths are effecting is reducing stress, clearing your mind and create inner calm.
Maintain Healthy Habits
Do not abandon healthy habits during the holiday season. Get adequate sleep. Eat healthy meals and do not overindulge on sweets and continue your regular exercise routine. If you do not exercise regularly, the holiday season is great time to implement a daily workout plan, especially if you want to maintain your weight.
Don’t Be Afraid to Say No
Say no if you must. You do not have to say yes to every request and invitation. Know your limit and opt out of things that your schedule simple cannot accommodate. You may also choose to allocate certain tasks to family members or co-workers you know can help you to get them done.
Set A Budget
Decide how much you can afford to spend. By setting a spending limit and sticking to it, you will avoid overspending. In the end, you will most likely purchase the gifts and food items that are necessary without causing financial strain or feeling regretful about overspending.
Remember, to reduce holiday stress, you must plan to stay organized and productive, take care of yourself to feel refresh and energized for the tasks at hand. Also, maintain healthy habits such as getting enough sleep and exercise regularly. Do not be afraid to say no to task and request that you are unable accommodate. Finally, set a budget and stick to it.
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With Love, VCB FIT
Written by Veronica Campbell Brown
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