Everyone wants strong gluteal muscles and sculpted buttocks, and why not? The gluteal muscles are among the most important muscle group in the human body. You can achieve a stronger and a more sculpted buttocks by implementing exercises to target and build your gluteal muscles. Below, we will explore seven top exercises that are proven to strengthen and sculpt your gluteal muscles.  But, let us quickly take a look at the functions of the gluteal muscles.

The gluteal muscles are the largest and most powerful muscle group in the human body, and are made up of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. These powerful gluteal muscles are what caused us to extend our hips. They are responsible for abduction of the hips and for internal and external rotation of the hips and thighs. They also help support the body to maintain the proper upright posterior position and allow us to power through our workouts.

The gluteus maximus is the largest and most powerful of the three muscles. It formed a large portion of the hips and made up the bulk of the buttocks. Along with the responsibility of internal and external rotation of the  thighs and hips, the gluteus maximus is also responsible for giving the human physique its stylish curves. Furthermore, the gluteus maximus connects the tailbone and other adjoining bones.

The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, are located in the outer gluteal region. Together with the gluteus maximus, they play a significant role in the movement of the body. As a result, it is important to have strong gluteal muscles to fully maximize human potentials and movements.

The following exercises are highly suggestive and effective in building glutes strength and achieve your dream buttocks.

Known as the super builder of glutes strength, this power house exercise is one of the top exercises for strengthening and sculpting the buttocks. In addition to gluteal muscles strength and buttocks sculpting, squats can also strengthen the hamstrings and quads. It can also improve lower body mobility and promote healthy bones and joints. There are various forms of squats that can be performed either by bodyweight, with weights, or with resistance bands. Barbell and bumbells are the two most common equipment used to perform weighted squats. The various squat exercises include but is not limited to, back squats, front squats, sumo squats, goblet squats and side squats.

Tips to Perform Squats Correctly:

  • start with feet firm on the ground, shoulder width apart, with toes slightly pointing outwards.
  • stand tall, look straight ahead.
  • make sure your chest is up.
  • contract your abdominal muscles.
  • push your buttocks backward with knees bend to initiate the squat and sit back keep knees behind your toes.
  • repeat sequence to perform your desired reps.

Lunges are functional movements and are ideal for strengthening and help to tone your gluteal muscles. In addition to building strong and tone gluteal muscles, lunges also strengthen other parts of your lower body. These areas include the hamstrings, quadriceps and the calves. Lunges can be performed in a variety of ways. There are lateral or side lunges, front lunges, backwards lunges, walking lunges, lunges with rotation, and more. You can opt to perform lunges by using your bodyweight or implement weights. To incorporate weights with your lunges, you can use dumbells, kettlebell or barbells. By using weights, the intensity of your workout can be increased.

Tips to Perform Lunges Correctly:

  • start in a tall upright position with feet firm on the ground.
  • step forward with one leg to create a 90-degree angle.
  •  keep rare foot parallel to the ground, on the ball of your feet with front knee behind toes.
  • return front leg to the start position.
  • repeat reps on one leg or switch leg with each rep.

Barbell Glute Bridges
Another great exercise for building and sculpting the gluteal muscles is the barbell glute bridge. The barbell glute bridges are also beneficial for developing strong hamstrings and quads. As the name suggested, this exercise is meant to be performed witha barbell. The implementation of a weighted barbell is ideal for best results. You can perform this exercise by laying flat on the floor or elevating your upper body by placing your it on a bench.

Tips to Perform Barbell Glutes Bridges Correctly:

  •  lay on your back with your feet bend at a ninety-degree angle.
  •  place feet flat and firm on the ground.
  • place barbell over your hips, above your pubic bone, use cushion, such as a bar pad or squat sponge.
  •  tuck you chin and keep your lower back flat against the floor.
  • push through your heels, contract your glute muscles and lift your hips to initiate each rep.
  • repeat sequence to perform your desired reps.

Kettlebell Swings
The kettlebell swing is a ballistic exercise with functional movements to develop and strengthen the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quads and forearms. There are various ways to perform kettlebell swings, such as using one kettlebell with double arm grip, single arm swing, squat position swing and more. The kettlebell swing is also a great exercise to improve core stability and muscle balance.

Tips to Perform Kettlebell Swings Correctly:

  • stand with feet firm on the ground, shoulder width apart, point your toes slightly outwards.
  • hold kettlebell in front of your body with both arms, keeping arms straight.
  • slightly bend your knees, keeping your back flat.
  • hinge at your hips and swing kettlebell backwards through your legs.
  • swing kettlebell to shoulder height using your momentum.
  • thrust your hips forward and squeeze your glutes and engage your core as you stand up straight.
  • at shoulder height your knees must be straight and contract your glutes to achieve a full hip extension.
  •  repeat sequence to perform your desired reps.

Split Squats
Split squat is not only a great exercise for glute muscle development, but it is also excellent for hamstrings and quads strength. Additionally, split squat is a great exercise for improving lower body balance and for developing single leg strength. You can perform split squats with or without weights.  There are also many variations of split squats that are effective in building the glutes and other parts of the lower body. Some common forms of weighted split squats are the regular split squats, front foot elevated split squats and back foot elevated split squats.

Tips to Perform Split Squats Correctly:

  •  stand with feet under your shoulder and firm on the ground.
  • step forward with one leg as wide as you can.
  • allow your back heel to lift slightly off the ground while keeping your front heel firm on the ground.
  •  lower to the point where your back shin and front thigh are parallel to the ground.
  • pause then drive through your front heel to return to the start position.
  • repeat sequence to perform your desired reps.

Glute Kickbacks
Not only do glute kickbacks build strong glute muscles, but it also strengthens your hamstrings and hips. You can perform glute kickbacks by keeping your leg straight or by bending your legs at a ninety-degree angle with each lift or rep. You can also choose to alternate your legs with each rep or perform your desired reps on one leg then repeat the same number of reps on the other leg.

Tips to Perform Glute Kickbacks Correctly:

  •  on a mat or floor, kneel in the cat position with arms directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  • lift one leg and squeeze your glutes while keeping the other leg on the floor.
  • lift your leg to the point where it is line with your back while keeping your hips squared to the ground.
  • you can maintain a ninety-degree angle, or an extended leg lift with each rep.
  • repeat sequence to perform your desired reps.

Goblet Squats
Goblet squat is a glutes and lower body strengthening exercise. To perform goblet squats, you will need either a dumbbell or kettlebell. Because goblet squats are not complex to perform, it is a great exercise for everyone and is easy to execute.

Tips to Perform Goblet Squats Correctly:

  •  stand with feet firm on the ground, shoulder width apart.
  • hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of your chest with the weights touching your body.
  • contract your core and keep your back flat.
  • bend your knees and push your hips back to initiate the movement, squat as deep as is comfortable or until your elbow reaches your knees.
  • drive your heels into the ground as you return to the start position.
  • repeat sequence to perform your desired reps.

Thank you for reading. We are here to inspire and provide you with the tools to look and feel your best.

The VCB FIT blog team

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